Payroll Management

Using a payroll software centralizes the myriad payroll processes onto one platform and provides a variety of tools to make payroll functions more efficient and accurate. Ideally, payroll software will prevent human errors when calculating and administering payroll, as well as allow employees to self-service some functions to reduce administrative overhead.

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Financial Business systems in Myanmar
Financial Business systems in Myanmar

Payroll Management Manage the monthly payroll of each employee which have the following process as below.


  • Overtime  Manage the employee over time for paying the OT to employee.
  • Allowance Employee Allowance use for paying the allowance to employee.
  • Bonus The Bonus which provide to employee.
  • Deduction Manage the employee deduction to deduct the salary from period to Deduction any period
  • Advance Pay Use to manage the employee advance.
  • Employee Loan Manage the employee loan.
  • Bonus Annual The Bonus Annual use to calculate the salary base on company.
  • Seniority Manage the Seniority of employment
  • Exchange Rate The exchange rate use to define rate for calculate TAX.
  • Generate Salary Generate Salary is use to paying the salary for employee at end of the month.
  • Generate NSSF The National Social Security Fund use to calculating the salary to employee.
  • Pay Detail Pay detail is use to Modify Paying that generate the salary with other generation or can modify the information with record before generate the salary.

SUNFIX Consulting is, established in February 2012, provided the leading first-class software in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and New Zealand.

Tel: 09773103701 , 09772077779

Sunfix Consulting Myanmar

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