CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) is a global cloud ERP standard that meets the requirements of medium-sized industrial manufacturing businesses. Industry-specific functions such as product design, ordering, material inventory management, production planning.

Ready to learn more?

CloudView Accounting Software
CloudView Accounting Software

Powerful business Distribution Edition


Discrete and process manufacturers around the world use Infor® SyteLine on-premises and in the cloud to simplify and automate their complex manufacturing processes. Offering a range of capabilities from advanced planning and material management to financials, SyteLine® delivers everything manufacturers need in a standard package.

Infor SyteLine for Food & Beverage

Food and beverage manufacturers have unique requirements when it comes to manufacturing operations. This brochure explains the benefits and features of managing these processes with SyteLine ERP software and its Process Industry Pack.

Factory Track for Infor SyteLine

With Factory Track for SyteLine, you get the manufacturing execution you need for shop floor and warehouse automation so you can better manage your production processes, speed inventory handling, track labor, and automate attendance operations. Read the brochure to learn more.

Why CloudSuites Industrial?

Some of the business drivers facing manufacturers today may seem like the same challenges the industry has been fighting for years, but the specifics have evolved—requiring you to take a fresh look at your business and core competencies in order to determine the best path for the future.

CloudSuite Industrial makes the move to cloud as simple as possible

CloudView Accounting Software

Simpler to buy

  • Pricing transparency and certainty, with flexible options to meet your needs

CloudView Accounting Software

Simpler to deploy

  • Minimization of risk and disruption through our diagnostic assessment, migration workshop, and implementation accelerators

CloudView Accounting Software

Simpler to run

  • Success starts when deployment finishes: Dedicated Customer Success Manager, 24/7 support, and training

CloudView Accounting Software

Simpler to transform

  • More value creation for your business, through the power of cloud and Infor OS as a platform for continuous innovation

CloudView Accounting Software

Simpler to adapt

  • Quickly set up new branches or divisions, responding with agility to fast changing market demands

Ready to learn more? Request appointment today.

SUNFIX Consulting was established in 2012 to provide leading first-class ERP solutions in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, New Zealand, and Singapore. We are officially Channel Partner with SAP, INFOR, and CUSCEN from small to enterprise business solutions.

Contact us to learn more.

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    SUNFIX Consulting is, established in February 2012, provided the leading first-class software in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and New Zealand.

    Tel: 09773103701 , 09772077779

    Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.